Construction Tech Curriculum + Teaching Aids

Classroom resources for CTE and shop teachers of grades 6-12 and adult education

Inch Caddies + The BIG INCH Posters

The ability to quickly and accurately read a tape measure is a critical skill, but students often struggle to understand the marks on tape measures that delineate fractions of an inch. Introductions to measurement concepts can feel confusing and obtuse.

I have developed a very effective way to teach this. It is a three part system requiring:

  • Inch Caddies

  • The BIG INCH Poster

  • Stanley 16’ or 25’ tape measure

Inch Caddies and The BIG INCH Posters are available for purchase below.

What an Inch Caddy includes:

Inch Caddies contain blocks that are 2” long and 1” wide in assorted thickness of 1/16”, 1/8”, 1/4”, 1/2”, and 1’. The block thicknesses are different colors and labelled in both fractions and decimals. The caddy block length totals 12” when all blocks are set next to each other.

How to use Inch Caddies in the classroom:

Students receive a number prompt (ie. 2 3/4”) from their teacher. They practice rearranging their caddy blocks to total that number. Students check their block assemblies against a tape measure to verify correct length and learn what that measurement looks like on a tape measure. A few minutes a day over several weeks build proficiency and confidence with measuring and tape measure use.

Students refer to The BIG INCH Poster to see the inch broken down into 16 parts, with fractions and decimal equivalents at each mark to assist them in building the number prompts.

Block types are different colors so that it’s easy for teachers to verify from a distance if the right combination is used. There are many different ways to build each number and creative ways to use the blocks.

Why Inch Caddies are effective:

This block system gets students’ hands on the actual physical measurements. There is no guessing or approximating. Students understand 1” and 2” through sight, touch, and use. Students understand how much 1/16” is because 16 of the blocks stacked together actually equal one inch.

This technique is adapted from the Montessori method of teaching early math and is an extremely efficient way to teach reading a tape measure, even for college-level and adult learners. I developed this technique from years of attempting to teach tape measure reading through conventional techniques that require misrepresentation, counting tiny lines and “just getting used to it.”

The Inch Caddy curriculum is superior because it offers students fun, accessible, and tactile learning processes. Students enjoy Inch Caddy activities and develop proficiency quickly. Regular practice creates mastery for the classroom and the job site.

Pricing for Student Inch Caddies:

1-5 quantity, $55 per set

6 or more quantity, $45 per set

(Colors and materials may vary from what is pictured here)

Pricing for The BIG INCH Classroom Poster:

1-5 quantity, $30 per poster

6 or more quantity, $25 per poster

The next generation of builders: